-- Good for Cars, Great for Marriages
by Pastor Brian Eastman
“Prevention is better than cure.”
My mechanic, Charlie Furlong, back when
I first started taking my car to him, asked me the following questions: “So,
how do you want me to take care of your car? Do you want me to look for
possible problems so they can be fixed before they break? Or are you going to
act like most car owners and come sobbing to me because now it's broke?”
Granted that Charlie comes across as a
bit of a curmudgeon and cynic. He's earned that right after nearly 50 years in
the car repair business and seeing all sorts of mistreated cars. He's also
earned that right because he has been correct about my family's cars. They're all
older than 15 years; two have more than 200,000 miles. In the nearly 18 years
Charlie has been taking care of them, we've only experienced two breakdowns
where we had to be towed -- and he could not have foreseen either one. Few
emergency repairs either.
I wish more married couples used
preventive maintenance on their marriages. So often a couple comes to me when
they've already had a breakdown and they're towing the marriage behind them
into the meeting. By then the damage is often a deep hole, and the couple will
have a hard climb to get back to a happy relationship.
As a contrast, let me tell you about a
couple I'll call John and Marsha. They weren't married then. But they are now,
thanks to a bit of preventive maintenance.
John is a performing artist. Even though
he is well-regarded both in Europe and the United States, he still makes a
pittance of an income. He started dating Marsha. She is a very successful
business woman and makes tens of thousands more a year. They were compatible
and had a lot of fun together.
Then John got booked for a four-month
tour in Europe. Off he went, with Marsha's blessings. But while he was in
Europe, he began fixating about their relationship. His thoughts ran something
like “I love this woman so much. But sooner or later she's going to get really
tired of being with a guy who can never spend fancy money on her and she's
going to dump me. That's going to hurt so bad. So when I get home, I probably
ought to break up with her so it won't hurt either of us more later on.”
When John’s tour was over, Marsha picked
him up at the airport. On the way home she told him she had made an appointment
with a good counselor to help them re-connect after the long absence.
“Great,” thought John. “That'll be a
good place to break up with her.”
At the counseling session, John
explained his decision that they should break up, and why.
The counselor turned to Marsha. “What do
you have to say?” he asked.
“Hell, I knew he'd never make much money
when I started dating him,” she said. “But I love it when he does his art.
Besides, I make more than enough money for both of us . . . ”
My wife and I took that example to heart
when we married 18 years ago. Both of us were carrying plenty of scars from our
childhoods and past relationships, so we recognized the need to catch problems
before the little sprouts turned into big spiky weeds. For the first two years
we visited a competent therapist once a month. The next two years we saw her
quarterly. By the fifth year we were down to twice a year. By the tenth year we
went only as-needed.
Sometimes while on the way to our
appointment my wife would say to me -- or the other way around “You know, I'm not sure we have anything to
talk about this time.”
We soon learned, that was when the weeds
had grown the highest. The therapist could see it; we could not. But by the end
of the session, that weed had been pulled . . . and our marriage was stronger
than ever.
While it is often difficult to find a
competent counselor, I do encourage every couple to find someone with whom to
engage in relationship preventive maintenance. Even if your marriage seems
perfect now, it's a good idea to see if you can make it even better.
if you are finding your marriage relationship less-than-perfect, it is especially
important to bring it in for some preventive maintenance and a tune-up . . . so
you don't end up in a dead or wrecked marriage down the road.
Contributed by
Pastor Brian Eastman
Lead Pastor Revelation Spiritual Church
Director MarriageChaplain.com
Founder, LIIFT healing process
Going Deeper
Speaking of preventive maintenance, when
some couples want to get married, they discover their minister, priest, or
rabbi won’t perform the wedding if the relationship is one of mixed religious
beliefs. So, they come to us (Marriage Chaplain) looking for an officiant to
perform their ceremony. Many of our officiants are happy to oblige, but the
issue of religion often isn’t resolved. In the metaphor of Brian Eastman’s
article, it’s an accident waiting to happen. Who decides what faith the
children will be raised in? What if someone changes beliefs over the course of
time and how does that affect the relationship?
A little preventive maintenance is in
Religious Recovery meetings provide an
atmosphere to express those concerns. This becomes especially helpful when one
partner feels the other is using their religious beliefs to manipulate, hurt
(intentionally or unintentionally), or abuse the other.
The good news is, Religious Recovery
meetings are free. Donations are accepted but not required. One-on-one sessions
can be arranged but may require a fee depending on the individual. If you’re
interested in a Religious Recovery meeting, check their web site at
ReligiousRecovery.org. For individual preventive maintenance contact Pastor
Brian Eastman. As Brian says:
“Any time you think
that some one-on-one conversation might be useful in strengthening your
marriage, contact me. We know many counselors and healers who provide great
support to couples, and it is my pleasure to help you connect with someone who
is a good fit to help you move forward in your loving and working relationship.
Calling me usually gets a quicker response: 513 853 6180, but e-mail: Pastor@OurChaplain.com
or text: 513 703 8196 will also work.”
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